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Registration & Enrollment
Hello and Welcome to Clarke County High School!
Registration for School Year 2025-2026 Opens on June 16th
STEP 1: Parent/Legal Guardian who Resides in Clarke County - Please Contact the Registrar
Mrs. Bobbie Shimp, Registrar shimpb@clarke.k12.va.us
STEP 2: Complete the PowerSchool Online Registration
The Registrar will provide parents with a new student registration link.
Registration documents may be uploaded through our secure website.
STEP 3: A course registration appointment will be arranged with your child's school counselor.
Parent Checklist for Registration/Enrollment (See FAQs below for a detailed description of acceptable documents)
Two proofs of residency
Parent photo ID
Original birth certificate (issued by state, not hospital)
Immunization record
High school only - Unofficial transcript, if possible, including discipline record
School Minimum Immunization Requirements
Returning students, please complete your online registration through the PowerSchool Parent Portal
Additional registration information can be found at https://www.clarke.k12.va.us/parents-students/registration-enrollment
Please contact Mrs. Bobbie Shimp, Registrar and Guidance Secretary
E-mail: shimpb@clarke.k12.va.us
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Register a Child?
Parent/Legal Guardian who resides in Clarke County
Where Do I Go To Register?
Registrations are completed at the school, contact the registrar for an appointment
Mrs. Bobbie Shimp, Registrar | shimpb@clarke.k12.va.us
Clarke County High School (Grades 9-12): 627 Mosby Blvd. Berryville, VA 22611 | 540.955.6130
What Documents are Required For Registration?
Please be prepared to provide the following records:
1. Two Proofs of Residency - see the following section
2. Photo ID - choose one:
Valid, current Virginia Driver’s license
Valid, current Photo ID Card (from the DMV)
Valid, current Passport
3. Birth Certificate (original or certified copy, no photocopies) If parent name on birth certificate is different than custodial parent, please bring the court order, military order, adoption papers, foster care documents, etc. that explains the custodial parent and difference in name from child.
4. Certification of Immunizations - School Minimum Requirements
5. Tuition Application & Contract - Non-Resident Students Only
What is Accepted as Proof of Residency?
Parents must present proof that they reside in the attendance zone in which they are enrolling students. Please provide a photo ID and two (2) residency documents as outlined below.
Residency Document #1 (choose one):
Real estate tax bill
Rental/Lease contract with signatures & date. Please verify address on contract is correct, and no additions have been made to the original contract.
Mortgage statement/bill
Property Owner’s Certification for Residence. If you are living in Clarke County without a lease and you don’t own the residence, you may have the owner complete a Property Owner’s Certification for Residence form and present the notarized copy at registration. Two additional residency documents are required.
House purchase contract with signatures & date. Please verify address on contract is correct, and no additions have been made to the original contract. When a family has a home purchase contract, but has not yet taken residency, please refer to Regulation JEC-CCPS-R and contact the Assistant Superintendent at 540.955.6100.
Residency Document #2 (choose one):
Personal Property (vehicle) tax bill/statement
Electric bill
Oil bill
Gas bill (Natural or Propane – if attached to home)
Water/sewer bill
Cable/satellite TV bill/internet
Home owner’s insurance policy (coverage must be current). Please verify address on contract is correct.
Voter registration
Items Not Accepted:
Bills more than 2 months prior to current date
Bank statements
Phone bills